Colorado S.T.I.N.G. is governed by a FIVE member executive board. The board positions are elected by CO S.T.I.N.G. membership and serve 2 year terms. Colorado S.T.I.N.G. 834 S. Perry St. Ste. F #233 Castle Rock, CO 80104 http://www.coloradosting.org |
PRESIDENT Shawn M. Sanchez Douglas County Sheriff's Office sanchez.douglasf76@gmail.com Vice President-Training Jacqueline Hanneman U.S. Attorney's Office jacqueline@coloradosting.org Secretary Thomas Schneider Federal Bureau of Prisons tcschneider@bop.gov Webmaster -TBD
Robert Lynn Denver County Sheriff's Office rlynn1181@gmail.com | VICE PRESIDENT - Administrative Tyshawn Pikula Colorado Department of Corrections-Intel Unit tyshawn.pikula@state co.us SERGEANT AT ARMS Elisa Bejarano Colorado Department of Corrections - Parole elisa.bejarano@state.co.us TREASURER- TBD **ALL Media Inquiries should be addressed to infocoloradosting@gmail.com** |